Everything about the colour Red

What do you know about the Red?

  • Red

Red is often associated with passion, energy, excitement, heat, activity, sexuality, anger, love, and joy.

Advertisers and designers use the power of Red to help consumers make quick decisions.

Red is the first colour the baby sees!

Some recent studies have shown that children who are barely two weeks old can distinguish the color Red.

Men and women see Red differently!

Women see shades like Red, burgundy, tomato red, and blood Red, while men see only Red.

Red is a powerful colour that inherently grabs attention and stimulates the senses. It works well to draw attention to significant components within a design because of its bold, colourful nature, which demands quick awareness. Red grabs the eye and highlights important focus points whether it is utilised sparingly or prominently.

The colour Red can become exhausting if looked at for too long. The same physical and emotional effects that make Red a powerful colour also make it dangerously intense.

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